Once Upon a PE Lesson

The Power of Collaboration Games in PE: Setting the Tone for a Successful School Year

As PE teachers gear up for a new school year, one powerful strategy to kickstart the term is by incorporating collaboration games into the curriculum. These games not only set the tone for a positive and cohesive classroom environment but also offer a myriad of benefits for students.

Collaboration games are a fantastic way to establish class routines and foster teamwork right from the start. By engaging students in activities that require cooperation, communication, and problem-solving, teachers can build a sense of community within the class. These games encourage students to work together, listen to each other’s ideas, and support one another, laying the foundation for a successful and inclusive learning environment.


Collaboration games within the IB framework
The beauty of incorporating collaboration games into the curriculum lies in their alignment with the IB transdisciplinary theme of “Who We Are.” Through these activities, students have the opportunity to discover their strengths and weaknesses as individuals and as part of a team. By tackling challenges together, students can identify areas for improvement, set goals for personal growth, and enhance their collaborative skills.


What about individual challenges?
Introducing individual adventure challenges like rock climbing adds an element of excitement and thrill to the curriculum. While students navigate the climbing wall, they are not only testing their physical abilities but also refining their mental resilience and teamwork skills. It is essential to emphasize the importance of supporting one another during such challenges. Encouraging students to assist their peers in overcoming obstacles on the climbing wall not only fosters a spirit of cooperation but also builds trust and mutual respect among classmates.

Reflection plays a crucial role in the learning process, especially in adventure-based activities. After completing challenges like rock climbing, students should be encouraged to reflect on their individual performances. By examining their strengths, areas for improvement, and the strategies that led to success, students can gain valuable insights into their abilities and growth potential. This reflective practice cultivates self-awareness and empowers students to set personal goals for future challenges.


In conclusion, starting the school year with collaboration games in PE holds immense value for both students and teachers. By immersing students in activities that promote teamwork, problem-solving, and reflection, educators can create a positive and engaging learning environment. Through these games, students not only strengthen their interpersonal skills but also embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. So, let the spirit of collaboration and adventure guide your PE classes toward a successful and transformative school year.

Check out a game that may start as an individual challenge and level up to a collaborative team challenge:


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We all know that PE develops social skills and emotional intelligence. Above all, it is important to remember that just as students need time and guidance to discover and practice skills, concepts and strategies, we must give students the same time and guidance to process the emotions they feel so that they can have a positive impact on their performance.

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