Once Upon a PE Lesson

Retuning stronger!

Returning stronger!

Hello everyone!

I am back and thrilled to announce that Once Upon a PE Lesson is back too! I apologise for my absence and the lack of resources and updates on my website. It has been a challenging time for me as I was completing my master’s degree (MA Education: Leading Sport in Schools) whilst navigating the tough waters as the Head of Department for whole school Physical Education, with the additional responsibilities of a Director of Sport.

However, I have some exciting news to share. I have made the decision to leave the toxic workplace that was hindering my growth and well-being. It was a difficult choice, but I believe it was right for me. Alongside this, I have also successfully submitted my dissertation. The weight has been lifted, and I am now ready to dive back into creating valuable resources for all of you.

I am ecstatic to announce that my website is now updated and packed with new content waiting to be explored. Each month, I will be uploading a new resource and blog post, aiming to provide you with insightful and engaging content to enhance your PE lessons.

The past year of struggle has taught me invaluable lessons. It has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. With these experiences, I am eager to share my newfound knowledge with all of you. I am now teaching PYP PE, which means that I get to create and experiment with different inquiry-based approaches to teaching language and movement, all while incorporating a captivating storytelling approach.

I firmly believe that physical education is not just about the physical aspect but also about fostering creativity, critical thinking, and nurturing holistic development in students. By incorporating storytelling and inquiry-based methods, I am confident that we can unlock a whole new level of engagement and understanding among our students.

I want to express my gratitude to all of you who have supported me throughout this journey. Your patience and understanding mean the world to me.

So, let’s embark on this renewed journey together. Visit my website, www.onceuponapelesson.com explore the new resources and blog posts, and join me in creating a positive and enriching learning environment for our students. Once Upon a PE Lesson is back, and I cannot wait to see what lies ahead.

Thank you all, and let’s make this year a memorable one!

Keep on teaching, and keep on learning!



Girls were not influenced by any stereotypes and they saw a confident, active female role model who showed them that girls could be active, strong and competitive.I had fulfilled one of my roles as a PE teacher by simply being myself.

An Instant Activity (IA) is an activity that helps to get “…classes off to a quick, dynamic, and fun start” (Markross, 1998). IAs can be activities from past lessons, free play

We all know that PE develops social skills and emotional intelligence. Above all, it is important to remember that just as students need time and guidance to discover and practice skills, concepts and strategies, we must give students the same time and guidance to process the emotions they feel so that they can have a positive impact on their performance.